90-Day Hassle-Free Returns
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About the competition:
We are teaming up with Byron Yoga Centre to offering you the opportunity to win a weekend wellness and yoga retreat in beautiful Byron Bay! Byron Yoga Centre is just a 20 minute walk from the centre of Byron Bay - and our flagship Divine Goddess store!
The weekend retreat is a wonderful opportunity to de-stress and re-energise. With a flexible program of yoga classes, meditation and pranayama sessions, philosophy and nutrition workshops plus a massage or spa treatment – you can choose to fill your days or take time out to relax.
While you are in Byron for your retreat you are also invited to come into our flagship Divine Goddess Store and pick out a pair of leggings of your choice from the Divine Goddess Leggings Collection.
Crow pose-all the way!
So great for releasing all that tension in glutes and lower back. Xoxx
my favourite pose is Sukhasana. For, me its a great way to start, just sitting quietly for a few minutes and just connecting with the breath
Chair pose said No one ever! I do love Wild Thing and supported child pose. I love yin and iyengar styles of yoga
Lotus Pose.
Meditation has been a massive game changer for me x
My favorite pose is head stand as I feel sooo much energy after. Xxx
Om shanti ??
My favourite pose is Eagle Pose because it works all 14 joints in the body!
My favourite pose is balasana – child’s pose, there can be transformation in moments of stillness
I love the weightless feeling of eka pada koundinyasana 2 ✨ and it is great to flow to and from it in different sequences ???
The Crow Pose (bakasana)
A balance pose that focuses on body awareness and the mind body connection. It allows me to accept my fears and have the courage to fly.
Viparita Karani, Legs up the wall
My favourite pose is now a head stand! The first time I tried it without assistance I felt this overwhelming strength and trust in my own body that I hadn’t felt before. When I came down out of it my beautiful yogi friend and I were so happy with my achievement we gave each other a high-five and screamed with laughter. It still makes me laugh!!
My favourite pose is Tadasana with my eyes closed. It is so liberating, so grounding… I love to do it in a spectacular location, on top of a mountain or at a beach with sunshine flickering on my eye lids. When you open your eyes it’s like you’re re-born again! Happiness!
Warrior III is my favourite pose. To me it’s balance and strength.
I love butterfly pose while doing restorative yoga, it’s great for release
I love supta baddha konasana as I love the way it gently opens hips and heart, I love it especially lying over a bolster for 5 minutes ???
I love side crow. finding that balance & feeling strong;) bliss
Floating Half Moon pose lifts my off the mat, away from the everyday and into the extraordinary.
This goddess loves pigeon pose with the juicy hip stretch!
Astavakrasana is without fail my favourite asana. I went through some really tough times and choose to become celibate and then discovered this pose and its connection with celibacy! Was totally fitting for my circumstance! <3
Childs pose
For the last year i have suffered chronic stress, moved countries, end of a relationship, end of more relationships as i reestablish boundaries. Yoga has helped me when days are to tough.
Childs pose is definitely my favourite.
Looove love triangle pose – or trikonasana.. endless benefits for us goddesses ???
This sounds like heaven. Thank you for offering. My favourite yoga pose is savasana ✨