Where focus goes, energy flows.
Thinking of incorporating yoga into your life, but keep putting it off? Make a committed decision to embark on your journey, and get started today with these five easy tips:
First you will need to create the time in your life for yoga practice. Ideally two to three times per week as you get started; opt for a schedule that you can incorporate into your life with ease so as to not overwhelm yourself. Wake up before the sun and enjoy class before the world wakes up, or schedule in your yoga for after work when your body and mind needs to come back into alignment. Some mums prefer to practice during the day when the kids are at school; we all live different lives but thankfully there are many classes and teachers available to suit everyone’s varying schedules.
Trial some yoga classes. Jump online or ask friends about yoga classes in your area, and be open to variety. Call and ask if you can attend a free trial or pay-as-you go, and try different teachers and styles. The right yoga class or teacher can be a little like falling in love; kiss a few frogs until you find your prince.
Stay local. Test out the schools closest to home first. If you have to travel far to make an early morning or evening yoga class, you are potentially setting yourself up to fail. We are so accustomed to letting life get in the way of self work, so begin your yogic journey giving yourself the best chance to commit to regular classes and continued practice.
Find a friend. If you commit with a friend it will be easier to stick with your new schedule. Car pool if you have to drive to class, or organize to walk if your selected yoga studio is nearby. Some teachers also offer private classes or small group sessions. Organize your friends for a special intimate class once a week to go deeper into your practice, sharing the joy with those you love.
Three-month commitment. Once you have trialed different variations of yoga, teachers, and classes, lock yourself into a three-month bracket of committed, regular practice and you will soon feel the results. Whilst it’s great to share your yoga journey with loved ones, yoga is ultimately an individual path that requires your conscious awareness, an open heart, and graceful acceptance of what is.
Raise your vibrations and get started with your yoga journey today. At any moment the decision you make can change the course of your life forever. Don’t wait a moment longer. Start now.